
Marbles! - Best of Google Video

Marbles! - Best of Google Video

Hehehe... Marbles (first video) is so fun :)

Marbles! - Best of Google Video

Marbles! - Best of Google Video

Hehehe... Marbles (first video) is so fun :)


Minority Cube : Reality Virtualized

Quasimondo : Incubator : Processing : Minority Cube: "If you've seen the movie Minority Report you probably remember the impressing gesture based computer interface that Tom Cruise uses. Well, my experiment here is far from that, but nevertheless quite entertaining I think:

Minority Cube allows you to control the rotation of the cube on the screen by moving your hand (or yourself) in front of your webcam. It understands up, down, left, right and screw (a motion a bit like if you're trying to screw a light bulb into your webcam's lens). If you don't have a webcam attached you will not be able to move it, I'm sorry. You might have to experiment a bit what's the best lighting situation, distance of your hand and motion speed."


Password Chart

Password Chart

Thought this was interesting enough to post:

How do I use this?

1. Enter a chart selection phrase to select one of over 4 billion possible password charts.
Examples: "what me worry?" or "I like green eggs and ham" or "My name is Indigo Montoya"
2. Enter an easy to remember password that you want to convert to a hard to guess password.
3. Use the resulting converted password as the password on any of the bazillion websites you visit.
4. At any time in the future return here, enter the same phase and password to retrieve your hard to guess password.

Why should I use this?

1. Picking and remembering strong passwords is a pain. It's easier to convert an easy to remember one.
2. It works on any computer and if you print out the chart it also works offline.
3. Its free, easy and secure. Everything is done in your browser -- no passwords are sent over the Internet.